Grandpa x Budbee is a group project from school where we were tasked to create a colaboration between two randomly drawn companies. My group got Grandpastore and Budbee and we were quick to come up with many ideas. We settled on the idea that Grandpastore would create a clothing collection with Budbee where 15% of the profit would be donated to the cause of saving the bees. After someone bough from this collection you would be able to ship with Budbee, a more sustanable choice.

I got the role of creating the Illustration/ reworking an Illustration. We wanted to take an Illustration already from Grandpastores site and edit it so that Budbees mascot would be featured. (this assignment was only for educational purposes).

in this case:
merch design
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20 years old
living in malmö sweden
highschool student

Emma is a high school student living in Malmö, Sweden, with a genuine interest in the environment. She likes to ride her bike or take public transportation to get around the city. In her free time, Emma enjoys hanging out with friends at the local parks, reading novels, and watching nature documentaries. She cares about making small, eco-friendly choices in her daily life, like recycling and using reusable water bottles. Emma also enjoys spending weekends exploring the beautiful countryside around Malmö. She hopes to study environmental science in the future, combining her interests in science and nature. Emma is looking forward to making her own little difference while enjoying the simple pleasures of everyday life.

team player
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